OA Noodle - How we started doing OA and how you can too!

OA Noodle - How we started doing OA and how you can too!

OA Noodle - How we started doing OA and how you can too!


Did you know...

The first month we tried doing OA, it was absolutely terrible!

My kids were climbing up my back and attacking my nerves while I was slowly becoming discouraged because I couldn't find any products to sell... I don't know which was more aggravating, trying and failing, or my kids needing me every 2.5 minutes.

I would sit at my laptop for hours, looking and looking and looking. Over and over and over again. Striking out at each chance.

I picked up some speed when I learned a little trick! I could "scan" the product image off the retailer webpage on my laptop screen, using my phone with the Seller Central App up. I can't really show you this without running and taking my wife's phone from her, and since she is using it right now and I'm not that terribly rude of a person; I would like you to just imagine.

Your laptop up on walmart

You click on a product

You grab your phone and open the Seller App and tap the 'camera' to scan

You hover your phone over your laptop screen until it recognizes the product image and gives you some results to look at.


Magic? Maybe not, but I felt magical. I was able to lookup products faster than ever before, and I started to find some products to buy.


Small steps, learning steps. We're like babies in the Amazon world, just taking our first steps to learn what we're doing.


Fast forward 2 years, and I no longer use my phone to scan product images on my laptop screen. Instead, I can help you simplify your sourcing by offering a leads list subscription to help point you in the right direction when it comes to sourcing.


Check them out, they will absolutely help you start, grow, continue, expand. Whatever your current state of Amazon is, we can help you.

Today we have a one-time leads list, that is all Grocery. We started in Grocery! We love grocery. We eat a lot of food because we have 5 kids, we know Groceries pretty well.

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