OAN Goodbye Leads 848 Leads
OAN Goodbye Leads 848 Leads
OAN is closing.
We're closing our doors. It's been great. We will miss everyone.
As a parting gift, we're giving up our remaining leads. These leads were still sourced by our team, we just had not sent them out. We have 848 leads on this list. These leads have not been released up until now. They've been collecting since September.
As our final farewell, we want to give these leads out to anyone who wants some homework and potential profits.
There is a lot of leads to comb through, with A LOT of potential profits.
We've enjoyed our time with everyone, it's been a great 3 years providing leads. At this point we cannot commit to reviewing and sending out leads anymore.
We hope this big list of leads sees you all well. Enjoy your future amazon journey, and we thank you for your support over the years!!
848 LEADS.
Never released to anyone, ever, until now.
Our sourcing team was continuing to source leads, we just let them go onto their next adventure and we're dumping all of their work here for whomever wants it, instead of letting it sit and collect dust.